Instance provides network solutions
To maximise the uptime of communication systems by creating redundancy, maintaining, protecting and monitoring the physical layer of the system.
Point to Point Serial RS-485 to Optic Fibre Converter
Passive Dual Channel Hybrid Optic Fibre / Copper Converter
Intelligent Network Signal/Data Monitor with Event Recorder
Intelligent Network Signal/Data Monitor with Event Recorder
Intelligent Network Signal/Data Monitor with Event Recorder
Intelligent Network Signal/Data Monitor with Event Recorder
Remote Interface Module
All Inputs multiplexed to
network socket via a Wifi link.
Remote Interface Module
All Inputs multiplexed to
network socket via a GPRS link.
Remote Interface Module
All Inputs multiplexed to
network socket via two redundant Ethernet link.
Instance Graphical Analysis Tool for:
For all Instance Networks
Instance Remote Analysis Tool for:
Instance Site Analysis Tool for:
Instance Graphical Analysis Tool for:
For all NLM3 Networks only