Instance provides network solutions
To maximise the uptime of communication systems by creating redundancy, maintaining, protecting and monitoring the physical layer of the system.
Instance provides network solutions to maximise the uptime of communication data systems by creating redundancy, maintaining, protecting and monitoring the physical layer.
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Instance has a proactive network maintenance approach with its range of software products which allows for either on-site or remote monitoring of a network.
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Instance products make fault detection easy, the way our products function, providing visual diagnostic display of information which was previously invisible and inaccessible.
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We are both customer focused and eager to help the end-users of our products and services to become more efficient in their network maintenance by saving time and ultimately costs. Instance customers are manufacturers, distributors and installers of life safety electronic equipment as well as companies that have large electronic communication networks.
Although the Instance product range applies to many industries, the products were (to a large extent) inspired by part 13 of the EN54 life safety fire detection and fire alarm system standard. In essence part 13 is a standard for system performance where time is critical for life and safety against fire. With our focus on the uptime of communication networks and the improvement of the Quality of Service (QoS) of industrial networks, EN54-13 provided an important benchmark for our engineering development.
While we have offices in The United Kingdom and South Africa, our focus is international.